Vaughan's High-Performance school
at a glance
Founded by a trailblazing group of faculty and parents, Delano Academy was Federally Incorporated in Canada in April 2014 under the Canadian Business Corporations Act (CBCA)
Head of School
Mrs Palombo
Deputy Head of School & IB Coordinator
Mr Ashfield
Ms Levy
Director of Admissions
Mr Maxwell
Director of School Administration
Mr Contractor
Meets the guidelines set forth by the Ontario Ministry of Education as an accredited school and is Ministry Inspected. Gifted school with enriched and accelerated curricula Progressive provides a wide array of specialty programs and resources for differentiated learning, and teaching within an IB framework. The prep school is a blend of Montessori and an enriched Ontario & IB curriculum framework.
Delano adheres to the Private School Act and follows its policies and guidelines. Governed by a Board of Directors, advising on policy, and delegates to the Head of School and its administrative team to execute all policies.
Delano also respects, promotes, teaches and follows the United Nations Charter of the Rights of the Child.
Delano is committed, in compliance with PIPEDA, to balancing the protection of privacy and security of personal information concerning faculty, students, volunteers and families. For more information on Delano's Privacy Policy as governed by PIPEDA, please contact our privacy officer for concerns, complaints, questions or clarification.