Vaughan's High-Performance school
How is behaviour managed?
Student behaviour is shaped positively by supporting our youngest learners to navigate rules and expectations of school life. We help our students learn what ‘to do’ rather than what ‘not to do’. All behaviour is managed respectfully.
How are students supported with life skills?
Students are supported to learn independence skills, organizational skills, planning skills and execution. Students become the CEO of ME and learn HOW to learn from a very tender age with teacher guidance.
Do students wear uniforms?
All our students wear uniforms to ensure that they are not preoccupied with fashion, clothing and materialism. Our students are simply dressed in comfortable uniform pieces that permit full movement for students to learn and play. Everyone is on an equal playing field. Parents can find ease not having to plan next days clothing. Uniforms provide students with a sense of belonging to the school and helps students focus their attention on what matters. Uniforms have been carefully chosen based on comfort, quality and aesthetic. Our students have a winter, summer and athletic uniform guide that helps determine attire selection.
When are parent-teacher interviews?
We are very proud of parent-teacher communication. Our parent-teacher conferences are held formally four times per year, August, December, March and June. Parents may conference teachers at any time throughout the year through phone or video conference.
What is the homework policy?
Students learn at school and complete all required work during their time at school. Family time is respected and students are encouraged to spend quality time with their family outside of school. Older students may have additional work outside of school that is balanced according to grade and age.
Does the school provide lunch?
Our students have the option of a hot ordered lunch or bring their lunch and snacks from home. We are an allergy-sensitive environment and enforce all allergy requirements of our students.
When are class photos?
School photos are taken in May/June. Parents may purchase pre-assembled packages. Class photos are included in packages.
When are report cards distributed?
Student report cards are issued in December, March and June. Report cards document attendance and absenteeism in our program.
Can parents volunteer?
Parents are encouraged to volunteer and help as needed. We are always seeking supportive parents that can assist in the classroom, library, and with special events. We will post sign up sheets for volunteers as needed throughout the year.