Vaughan's High-Performance school

enriched daycare
Enriched Pre-School & K-12

junior pre academy
18 months -30 months
Morning Program
Monday to Friday
As young as 18 months, our students begin their first educational journey exploring and navigating in our Junior Pre Academy program. Our classes are small with no more than 10 students permitted into the morning program. With two teachers, our students receive unparalleled attention, supervision and care.
Our morning program captures student attention at its best. Our learners are not yet ready for a full day educational program and may still be napping in the afternoons. We capture the most critical time of the day with intensive yet manageable learning in three hours.
We cherish and are sensitive to many 'first moments' that you and your child may experience as we prepare your child for a strong foundation for independent school expectations.
Students learn to explore and practice skills on their own, sometimes for the first time without parental guidance. Oftentimes the transition is more difficult for caregivers to say goodbye for three hours, than it is for the student. Many of our younger students hesitate initially, but after a few days of adjustment (and sometimes a few weeks), our students are enthusiastic and eager to return for another new day of exciting opportunities.
Our students explore, inquire, create, imagine, experiment, and enjoy learning pre academic skills. Our goal is to foster the pillars of success in our youngest students that include CURIOSITY. CONFIDENCE. COLLABORATION. and CHARACTER.
With provocations, teachers offer encouragement, hugs and praise as we unobtrusively observe our students learning and gently scaffold opportunities. Our teachers document the student's authentic experiences by capturing learning with student portfolios.
Every parent's favourite part of pre academy is receiving the culminating portfolio of your child's 'first' treasures.